Ataribox採AMD客製化處理器 效能或許比擬PS4或Xnox One

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首圖 Atari稍早揭曉新款電玩主機Ataribox具體外型,並且公布機身搭載連接埠規格之後,再次釋出更多機身外觀圖像,並且強調將以木料材質打造木紋版機身外框。同時,Atari也確定具體硬體規格包含AMD客製化處理器、Linux為基礎的作業系統,並且將在近期內透過Indiegogo集資量產,預計在2018年春季末以介於249美元至299美元區間價格銷售。 延續先前說明,Atari…

2 小時前 – 延續先前說明,Ataribox除延續早期Atari 2600等主機的概念設計,更確定採用AMD客製化處理器與Radeon顯示卡,有可能比照PlayStation 4 …
2 小時前 – I received some feedback on that post claiming that the Ataribox … It could even feature a custom AMD APU, similar to what’s already inside the Xbox One or … The number of cores in the processor (for both the CPU and GPU) …
This morning an email went out to everyone who was signed up to the AtariBox website and it outlined some …
7 小時前 – Atari现已确认该设备将完全由AMD硬件驱动,采用Radeon图形技术和AMD定制处理器。有趣的是,Ataribox采用Linux操作系统,具有完全可定制的 …
5 小時前 – Atari’s upcoming Ataribox has been a big mystery, but a new report delivers both a price range and details on its CPU. … You can get a PlayStation 4, Switch, or Xbox for $300 or less. There’s just one problem. Note this bit from …
7 小時前 – The upcoming Ataribox will pack a custom AMD CPU with Radeon Graphics, comparable with a mid-range PC, and will run on Linux.
8 小時前 – 現在雅達利公布了新主機的參數以及具體的價格,稱全新的Ataribox將會採用AMD深度定製的CPU以及GPU,採用的是Linux系統,預計售價 …
4 小時前 – 今年6月,老牌遊戲廠商雅達利公布了最新主機Ataribox,意圖重回主機市場。 … 設備完全由AMD硬體驅動,採用Radeon圖形技術和AMD定製處理器。
2017年7月6日 – At the end of E3 2017, Atari teased what it calls the AtariBox: a device … and graphics technology used in PCs for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles. … CPU architecture, which mainly powers smartphones, tablets, and …
