死亡復甦4(Dead Rising 4)即日起開放預購、12/6登陸Xbox One

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首圖 台灣微軟今日(11/14)宣布,18+ 級喪屍遊戲《死亡復甦 4(Dead Rising 4)》中文版將在 12/6 正式上市,預估零售價 1690 元,玩家們將重新回到滿是喪屍大軍的世界,化身記者法蘭克,使用各種新式武器殲滅喪屍。《死亡復甦 4》即日起開放預購,消費者於首批購買可獲得特典武器下載卡,內含 4 種武器組合。而於巴哈商城預購的玩家們還可另外獲得《限量死亡復甦 4 紀念雪花球》…

If you’re looking to find a way to play Dead Rising on PS4, PC, and the Xbox One, or you’re huge fan, or you’re a new player, this one is for you! If you’re waiting …
20+ minutes of Dead Rising 1 Xbox One gameplay. The game will run at Native 1080p @ 60fps. It will …
Dead Rising 4 takes zombie games to a whole new level. Explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an open world sandbox on the brink of a zombie apocalypse.
DEAD RISING. DEAD RISING. 71,676 … DEAD RISING. 71,676. Release …. Dead Rising Theme 6. 157. Release …. Dead Rising Gamer Picture Pack 3. 253.
季票能夠讓玩家體驗在威拉米特暢玩的全新方式,內含「Stocking Stuffer Holiday Pack」、「Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf」以及「Dead Rising 4: Frank Rising」 …
Product Details: Frank West, a freelance photojournalist on the hunt for the scoop of a lifetime, pursues a juicy lead to a small suburban town only to find that it is …
Product Details: Anything and everything is a weapon in Dead Rising 3. Explore the zombieinfested city of Los Perdidos, and find a way to escape before a …
2016年9月13日 – Metacritic Game Reviews, Dead Rising for Xbox One, Frank West is a freelance photojournalist on the hunt for the scoop of a lifetime.
IGN is the Dead Rising resource with reviews, wikis, videos, trailers, screenshots, cheats, walkthroughs, previews, news … Xbox One X Preorder Guide … Capcom Discounts Dead Rising, Resident Evil HD and More in New Humble Bundle.
