微軟攜手Oculus 透過Oculus Rift串流遊玩Xbox One遊戲

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首圖 分享這篇內容: Share 去年在E3 2015宣布將與Oculus Rift進一步整合應用消息後,微軟稍早確認將透過Xbox One Streaming App,讓使用者能將Xbox One執行遊戲內容串流至電腦裝置,並且藉由Oculus Rift呈現影像。 Forza…

With the Xbox One Streaming app, you can play your Xbox One games directly on your Oculus Rift. Connect to your console via the app and watch your games …
The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality system that completely immerses you inside virtual worlds. Oculus Rift is available now.
With the Xbox One Streaming app, you can play your Xbox One games directly on your Oculus Rift. Connect …
2016年12月23日 – Microsoft has now rolled out the Xbox One Streaming application for Oculus Rift – allowing owners of the headset to play their Xbox One games …
了解與Oculus Rift 同捆的Xbox One 控制器發生問題時,該到何處尋求支援。
2016年11月22日 – Xbox One Game Streaming Coming to Windows 10 PCs with Oculus Rift on Dec. 12. by Kevin Unangst, Senior Director, Global Marketing at …
2016年11月22日 – Above: Streaming Xbox One games into an Oculus Rift. Image Credit: Microsoft. You don’t need to sit on your couch in your living room to play …
2016年3月8日 – Want to play Xbox One games with Oculus Rift? Technically, Oculus Rift and Xbox One should not be playable, BUT there is one way to make it …
2016年12月12日 – Microsoft has finally released the Xbox One streaming app for the Oculus Rift, allowing folks to use the VR headset as an immersive …
2016年12月12日 – Microsoft is releasing its Xbox streaming app to the Oculus Store today. It’s a simple streaming app that lets Xbox One owners stream games to …
