幾乎與PlayStation VR同價 市售款Oculus Rift售價全面調降為399美元

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首圖 揭曉新款Oculus Go,以及同樣對應行動體驗的「Santa Cruz」最新開發進度後,Facebook進一步確定將原本Oculus Rift售價調整為399美元,藉此吸引更多人加入使用。 在先前宣布限時調降消息後,顯然產生不算小的銷售動能,同時也配合此次宣布以199美元價格推出的Oculus Go,以及預計明年推出的「Santa Cruz」,Facebook確定將目前銷…

2017年8月25日 – While it would be nice to paint the rivalry between the Oculus Rift and Sony’s PlayStation VR as a David and Goliath-style battle, the lines are …
2016年10月21日 – 該機構又估計,2016 年宏達電的HTC Vive 銷量約是42 萬台,Facebook 旗下的Oculus Rift則是35 萬台。換言之,PS VR 的總銷量或會是HTC Vive …
2016年6月19日 – 當今的VR 產業,一如十年前的智慧型手機產業,一群玩家開始進入到這個行業。吵吵嚷嚷,好不熱鬧。HTC vive、Oculus Rift 和Sony PlayStation VR …
Checking how the Oculus Rift stacks up vs HTC Vive and PlayStation VR! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com …
Here we comparison the Sony PlayStation VR vs the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Watch our Oculus Rift vs …
Oculus Rift is not $599 because you need the two extra sensors and the controllers to get the full experience …
VR headset buying advice and we look at which is best out of the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR.
2016年11月25日 – Here we look at two of the biggest contenders for your cash, the PlayStation VR and Oculus Rift. For many, choosing between these two VR …
Over the last few years, VR has taken a huge leap forward and its pretty much indistinguishable for the so-called “VR” efforts of the 80, 90s, and early 2000s.
